in diesem Topic möchte ich euch kurz in die Formalien bzgl. der Bewerbungen einführen. Wenn ihr euch für die EssiG/KatZen interessiert, dann möchten wir ein paar Dinge von euch wissen.
- Wie lange spielt Ihr schon Freelancer online/auf dem HCC - Wie seid Ihr auf uns gekommen? - Warum möchtet Ihr zu uns? - Was sind so Eure Stärken in FL? - Was erhoffst du dir bei uns? - Wozu tendierst du eher: Pirat/Antipirat/etc.. - Wie viele Chars / Geld hast du auf dem HHC? (optional)
Das wars fürs erste, wenn mir weitere Punkte einfallen bearbeite ich den Post nochmal. Aber btw. ihr dürft gerne so viel von euch erzählen wie ihr lustig seid Da setze ich euch keine Grenzen^^
in this topic I'll tell you how to apply in the right way. If you are interested becoming a member of EssiG/KatZen we like to get some information about you
- How long do you play freelancer/ on HHC? - Why do you want to join us? - What are your strengths? - How you became aware of us? - What do you prefer?(Pirate, Trading or Police and so on) - What do you hope for being a member of us?
So that was it. I hope my english skills in this post isn't so terrible If I remember other aspects I'll post them. But of course if you like you can write as much as you want.
Hi I need to join 1: my names in freelancer is : HunteR_88_ in HHC 2: I play it from 1 month ago but a lot of exp I earned really 3: I prefer to be a police 4: just fun and cooperate with each other and do missions together Thnx
Congratulations! You just became Trial-Member of EssiG/KatZen! You're allowed to create Chars with "EssiG/KatZen"-tag! You trial time could be up to one week, that depends on Scotch (he's not here atm and only he can give you rights for main board). Stay active, then you will become Full Member of us!
Welcome to the team. I gave you the permissions to write and look in the internal areas. If you have any questions because most is in german just ask there