Hello all my friends First : Merry christmas for all of the members here second : Srry 4 along time I not play freelancer and the reason of this I setup new sytem to my PC So I lose My characters And ID Now I prefer to back play with my clan So I ask 1 simple question Anyone know how Can I back mY Old ID And charcters?? Or I must do another character ? Thanx Alot and I am happy for come backing to all Of you And I wish all of you feel that to me Thnx Hunter
Thats no problem, all of us are a bit inactive i think^^
Just make a character on the new id, and on http://www.freelancerserver.de contact admin which characters off the old id should transfered to the new one. Admins for example: Horatio, Nosferatu, and so on. Sometimes you can find them ingame.
Okay please send me a private message with all old characters and the character on the new ID. I'll write to admins then they'll transfer the old chars to the new ID. But remember the existing chars on the new ID will be overwritten.